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Saturday, July 22, 2006

FACT: Blue Devil is Awesome

Prepare yourself for the single most face-rocking one-sentence plot summary in the history of comics:

In Blue Devil #25, Dan Cassidy and Jimmy Olsen team up to battle an attempt by terrorist leprechauns to destroy Ireland using the Bio-Restorative formula that created Swamp Thing.

One more time, that's:

Jimmy Olsen...

Terrorist Leprechauns...

...And the Swamp Thing.

My work here is done.


Blogger Mark Kardwell said...

As Ireland's number one comic blogger, I must have this comic!

7/23/2006 9:26 AM

Blogger Chris Sims said...

I'm pretty sure terrorist leprechauns were the result of their all-day Guinness drinking session.

7/23/2006 11:15 AM

Blogger Gordon D said...

Does Mike Sterling know about this comic?

(I, fortunately, have a copy)

7/23/2006 12:37 PM

Blogger Chris Sims said...

Oddly enough, Gordon, that was my first thought on reading it, too.

I asked, and he does.

7/23/2006 1:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sacre bleu! My head, it has exploded!

7/23/2006 2:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And DC cancelled this comic......why?

7/23/2006 3:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably because comics bloggers, readers of said blogs and small children seem to be the only audience that don't mind if their funnybooks are actually funny from time to time... And, let's face it, there are'nt nearly enough of us blogospheroids to make up for the legion of children who aren't buying and reading comics at all these days (American comics, at least).

That said, it's still kinda sad that there is a large contingent of adult comic book fans who apparently have no idea what the word "comic" means.

Where has the the "Bwa-ha-ha" gone, Comicsweblogosphereians? Where?

---Todd Lawrence---

7/23/2006 4:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of, why haven't we heard further from the Faerie Liberation Front? Surely the Blue Devil and crew couldn't have wrapped up their entire organization.

Actually, given the current state of comics, if they ever did make a return, it would no doubt be for some mind-bogglingly gorey purpose.

And yes, I _am_ going to take this opportunity to plug my Blue Devil website (http://bluedevil.uatu.net). But that's okay, since I read this blog all the time and this isn't gratuitous.

7/23/2006 7:47 PM

Blogger Chris Sims said...

"Speaking of, why haven't we heard further from the Faerie Liberation Front?"

Well where exactly do you think the Sheeda Queen's invasion in Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers came from?

7/23/2006 10:27 PM

Blogger Matter-Eater Lad said...

"That said, it's still kinda sad that there is a large contingent of adult comic book fans who apparently have no idea what the word "comic" means."

Or "adult," for that matter.

7/24/2006 1:56 PM

Blogger Jeff Rients said...

What's with Blue Devil's pose in that third panel? Look at his hands. I'm not familiar with this character, is one of his powers the ability to brain leprechauns with an invisible baseball bat?

7/25/2006 11:37 AM

Blogger Periscope studio said...

Is it just me, or does Jimmy Olsen look about 40 in that panel?

7/25/2006 12:06 PM

Blogger Jeff Rients said...

Wel think of Olsen's lifestyle. He spends all of his time being transformed into various aliens and marrying gorillas. That's got to take a toll on a man.

7/25/2006 1:01 PM

Blogger Chris Sims said...

Jeff Rients said...
"What's with Blue Devil's pose in that third panel? Look at his hands."

He's been handcuffed by the leprechauns, naturally.

7/25/2006 8:34 PM

Blogger Jeff Rients said...

Ah, I had thought the yellow stuff at his wrists was part of the outfit since the ribbing effect on them went so well with the sweater.

7/26/2006 3:53 PM


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