The Week in Ink, 1-25-06
Okay, so maybe I'm not done. They're still coming out, aren't they?
Anyway, before we get onto this week's four-color fare, it's that time again: Previews came out yesterday, and since I've already done my order, I'd like to touch on a couple of things:
First up, Free Comic Book Day. Not only do the folks at Archie look like they're putting another awesome FCBD installment as Archie has to deal with moving away from Riverdale (and flashing back to his days as Little Archie, no less!), but Marvel's got an all-new Runaways/X-Men crossover and Oni's putting out a new Scott Pilgrim story! MG3 once told me that FCBD was the best holiday on the calendar because it's the only day you get Free Comic Books, and while I'll always be a fan of Christmas, he's got a point.
And if you peruse through the Image Comics section, you might notice the next Tim Seeley offering, Loaded Bible. Nothing against Seeley here, but Jesus fighting Vampires is a concept that seems awfully familiar.
Cram that in your swipe file, Johnston!

All New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #1: Yeah, what? There might be a situation where I need to know about Albert and Elsie Dee. It happens.

Books of Doom #3
BPRD: The Black Flame #6
Defenders #6: I come for the Giffen and DeMatteis, but I stay for the Kevin Maguire. I've mentioned before how much I like his work, but really: The guy's going through pages with twelve and thirteen talky panels, putting effort into every beautiful talky headshot. And really, when was the last time anybody but him bothered to draw Namor's ankle-wings actually flapping? As for the story, it was enjoyable, but by this point was wearing a little thin--although the self-depricating knowledge that it's wearing thin from the writers along with some really nice Hulk moments helped to mitigate that. I won't exactly be getting the wholly unnecessary hardcover, but it passed the time in an enjoyable manner.
Fallen Angel #2: I liked this issue a little more than the first, probably due to the fact that I've gotten used to the changes from when the series was being published by IDW. I still wish David Lopez was still doing the art, and the half-hearted attempt to explain why nobody ages or changes in twenty years is more frustrating than anything else, but I'm willing to stick around for a while and see what happens.
Forgotten Realms: Exile #3: Returning to Tim Seeley, that guy sure does draw the heck out of some dark elf abs in this one. Come to think of it, there were a lot of guys running around with no shirts on in comics this week. Ah well, let's just agree that I would totally gay marry Drizzt Do'Urden and move on, shall we?

JLA: Classified #16: Much like a response to my countless marriage proposals, this comic is something that I've been waiting on from Gail Simone for quite a while now. It's fun, and the "big reveal" moment towards the end is a great idea, but Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez inked by Klaus Janson just ends up looking like Klaus Janson. Don't get me wrong, I like Janson a lot, but Garcia-Lopez can be downright beautiful.
Local #3: Another solid issue by Brian Wood (an unstoppable writing machine that apparently intends to have something on every single page of Previews if the last two months are any indication) and Ryan Kelly (whose faces I'm really starting to love). The story revolves around a band, and when series mascot Megan meets the drummer, it's a scene that I read, laughed at, and then wished had happened to me because it would make such a great story. Good stuff.
New Avengers #15: Huh, looks like, yeah, I'm still reading this. I'd really made up my mind to quit, but then they go and say they're doing an annual where Luke Cage and Jessica Jones finally tie the knot, and if you can resist the phrase "Giant-Size Annual! At Last! The Wedding of Luke Cage!" then you, sir, are a better man than I. As for this issue, though... Sheesh. This may be a little ironic, since your're reading this on something called "The Invincible Super-Blog," but the device of Carol Danvers narrating the story through her blog came off as pretty banal. I get it, they're the NEW Avengers. People have blogs here in this crazy 21st century.
And hey, did anybody else out there get this?

PS: And this is the only time you'll ever hear me say this: That cover would totally have been better if it was an homage to Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man #1.

The Pact #4
Plastic Man #20: Over at Comics Should Be Good, Brian Cronin makes the claim that it's a "shame" that Kyle Baker's last issue of Plastic Man was a "mocking send-up of the DC Universe" rather than a straight-up fun comedy story, and that's--no offense--one of the most ridiculous criticisms I've ever read. Not because the issue's not great, which it is, and which is something Cronin and I could definitely agree on, but because spoofing the DCU is pretty much Plastic Man's stock-in-trade, going back to at least #8--twelve bi-monthly issues ago-- when Baker riffed on the nonsensical Joe Kelly JLA run, and continuing to my favorite moment of the series, #14's hilarious parody of Superman/Batman #13. I'm just saying, I don't expect the last issue of a series to do anything but what it's been doing for the past few years. Regardless, it's a great issue and Kyle Baker is, as always, one step ahead of us mere mortals.
Red Sonja: Sonja Goes East
Revelations #6
Robin #146

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #2: Please continue, however, to put as much high school drama centered on school plays and homecoming dances as you please, Sean McKeever and Takeshi Miyazawa, because this series is totally frigg'n awesome. Teen Mary Jane being jealous of Firestar despite the fact that she and Spider-Man are just Amazing Friends is one of the nicest things I've seen in a while, and the Flash-MJ-Peter-Liz-Harry love pentagon plays out wonderfully in every issue, especially in this one when Mary Jane gets worried about Peter's black eye after his Karate Kid-like attempt to disguise it. And that's what I'm all about, baby.
Street Fighter II #2
The Surrogates #4
Hoo boy. This one gets a little rough, so those of you out there with weak constitutions (that's a score of 9 or below, nerds) might want to just skip to my thoughts on The Thing, a fine and enjoyable comic. For there is no joy to be found here.
Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose #36: You know what I love about this book? It's not just bad. Every time I get it, each new issue becomes the worst comic book I own, and this one? This one's probably the worst comic book I have ever read. It's divided into two stories, and each one is soul-crushingly terrible in its own way. In the first, Jim Balent analogue The Skeleton Man descends to Hell with the Orphe-esque goal of saving his ex-girl ex-girlfriend, Crypt Chick, doing the whole Dante bit with the top half of a naked teenage girl with half a head playing Virgil as she guides him through a hell populated almost solely by large-breasted naked women. And if that's not enough, there's a nice full-page shot of demons shitting in people's mouths and a giant red naked woman eating the souls of the damned and expelling them "through the lower orifices." And in Act 2, Tarot cleanses herself of her feelings of guilt for murdering her arch-nemesis Azure in the last issue by masturbating in a sentient fountain. DELIGHTFUL!

Wonder Woman #225
X-Men: Deadly Genesis #3
Graphic Novels
G0DLAND v.1: Hello, Cosmic!
Oversight: The Short Stories of Phil Hester 1990-2005: Phil Hester, in addition to being one of the nicest pros I've ever met, is a vastly underrated talent in the comics industry, and if you've never read The Wretch, do yourself a favor and buy it immediately. It's that good. This hefty trade clocks in a little on the expensive side at 20 bucks for black-and-white art, though, although the one-page story of little plastic army men is almost worth the price of admission.
Sexy Chix: If there was any possible way that I wouldn't buy a book with Gail Simone and Colleen Coover, it was pretty much tossed out the window when Colleen Doran and Carla Speed McNeil were thrown into the mix. As with all anthologies, it's a pretty mixed bag, but the standouts for me included Chynna Clugston's one-pager on the inside front cover, Doran's "Yellow Fever," McNeil's hialariously violent "Hands On" (with a character design by Adam Warren!), and Trina Robbins' "Haseena Ross, Girl Detective," and Jill Thompson's "Love Triangle" also got a few chuckles. I liked Colleen Coover's story, but considering that I'm used to seeing her draw characters that are, as a rule, a lot happier, it was a little jarring, which was probably the desired effect.
So there it is. Roughly 942 pages worth of comics in the past 24 hours. The things I do for you people.
I like that Skip Westcott's profile there lists his "Identity/Class" as "human pedophile." The rest is gravy. So to speak.
1/27/2006 10:19 AM
I took the whole House Of M thing as her way of editing the "HoM" part out for her readers. Surprisingly, it was a good issue, but I'm dropping this book. The one thing that did bug me was how each page was like one post on her blog. That was just lazy on whoever's part.
1/27/2006 4:28 PM
You're just mad because she updates more than you, Spencer.
And my favorite part of Skip's entry is that it lists his enemies as "Young Peter Parker and every child.
1/27/2006 5:25 PM
I like that Skip Westcott's profile there lists his "Identity/Class" as "human pedophile."
Yeah, that whole thing is gold. I remember finding that page back when all the Millarworlders were calling for Ultimate Skip.
And I also find the coloring of Dan Slott's Thing to be distracting. If you know what I mean. Sorry.
1/27/2006 5:29 PM
Would it be rude of me to suggest that every other writer at Marvel should have a rolled-up copy of Ellis's NEXT WAVE inserted up their yin-yang as a suppository, in the hope that it's greatness might rub off? No? I didn't think so, either.
It's time for your medicine, Mr Bendis!
1/27/2006 7:22 PM
If I updated my blog everytime I hung out with hunky heroes and bodacious super babes, I wouldn't have the time, to uh...hang out with hunky heroes and bodacious super babes.
1/27/2006 8:05 PM
I totally thought I had gotten a bum copy of New Avengers. I was ready to go back into work tomorrow and RETURN it, thinking I had gotten the mis-lettered one.
Thank you for keeping me sane. =D
And I also would just pay 3-bucks for a big awesome picture of Spider-Ham. It's everything after the cover that makes me ill and sad.
1/28/2006 1:42 AM
I've never understood why Garcia-Lopez isn't a superstar.
The "House of M" thing in New Talking Talking Talking #15, maybe it's supposed to be like when Beatrice Kiddo's name was bleeped out in Kill Bill Vol. 1.
Putting "nonsensical" and "Joe Kelly run" in the same sentence is redundant.
Is "Nail Boss" in that Phil Hester TPB? That one creeped me out.
1/28/2006 10:04 AM
Nail Boss is indeed in the Oversight TPB.
And Joe Kelly isn't always nonsensical. Well, he is, but when it's Deadpool, it's good.
1/28/2006 11:34 PM
Oh, and on the subject of it actually being a Carol Danvers edit, there's at least one instance where she doesn't. So that's weird.
1/29/2006 12:44 AM
You know what was really great about the reveal at the end of JLA Classified?
It was such an awesome idea on its own that it wasn't until the second read that I got that it was a 2001 parody.
And I picked up the Thing on your recommendation, and even though I knew it was coming, robot pirate Thing made me laugh out loud.
I love that I read books where "robot pirate Thing" is comes up in conversation.
1/29/2006 10:44 PM
Garcia-Lopez is the shiz-knight.
Yes, I first encountered his work in the pages of Atari Force.
3/11/2006 2:16 AM
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