You Don't Have To Call Me Mister, Mister...
Last week, my main man Chad--whom you may remember as my source for inside info on World's Finest #289--took a trip up to New York City on vacation, passing the plane trip in the same way any right-thinking young man would've: By knocking out the new Captain America: Secret Empire trade.

Steve Englehart, one of the best Batman writers ever, was behind this story, which centers around Steve Rogers retiring as Captain America after being framed for the murder of low-rent Batroc the Leaper simulacrum The Tumbler, but that's largely irrelevant. All you need to know is that in #171, featuring weird-ass dialogue by Mike Friedrich, Cap and the Falcon are battling new villain Moonstone when he drops this piece of knowledge on them:

In the next issue, Cap and the Falcon escape from Moonstone's clutches, beating feet back to Harlem and lamenting that they've lost their only link to the conspiracy responsible for framing Captain America for murder. They puzzle over it for a moment, and then lightning strikes in what may be one of the best panels of all time:

Even with all that, though, there is nothing, nothing better than the Falcon's huge thumbs-up. I have never in my life seen someone that excited about going to Nashville, but he looks like it's his life's dream.
So, since they're super-heroes on the run from the law, they do the sensible thing and hitchhike from New York to Tennesee, where we find out that Cap and the Falcon aren't the only country music--sorry, C.M. fans kicking around the Marvel universe. No sooner have they gotten off the back of the turnip truck when they run into everybody's favorite Irish X-Man, the shockingly hideous Banshee. Dear God, what is wrong with him?!

Of course, being on the run from the murderous Secret Empire doesn't stop him from enjoying himself:

You might be amused by my take on one of those Cap issues here.
Good Lord, what did they do to Banshee?
1/19/2006 3:29 AM
Damn, that's like a combination of Lionel Richie and Stephen King.
I need to get me some more of this older Marvel stuff. A new change in direction. Not enough of the comics I read have "thumbs-up" moments anymore.
1/19/2006 9:46 AM
I'm appalled that you would praise a comic that obviously is so anti-Irish. I bet you if it was a monkey that was being oppressed, you'd start some dumb ass club with an acronym for a name! Shame on you, Chris.
1/19/2006 1:41 PM
thats possibly the most space I've ever seen between an upper lip and a nose.
I like how Cap said "He nailed you" too. It sounds like "when he nailed wuss"
1/19/2006 5:14 PM
Maybe Banshee is half-Thune. It would explain the upper lip.
1/19/2006 6:50 PM
Banshee looks like Buster Poindexter.
1/19/2006 9:01 PM
You always beat me to the punch, Sterling. And that is why none of us can live while the other survives.
I almost scanned that one where Banshee's using his powers, actually, because it's just.. I mean.. What the hell?
1/19/2006 9:03 PM
No, we just need to team up and destroy everyone else.
It's that panel of Banshee using his powers that made me discuss this comic in the first place. Well, that and I was on a big "Cap and the Falcon" kick for a while. Man, I loves me some Cap 'n' the Falcon.
1/19/2006 11:39 PM
"thats possibly the most space I've ever seen between an upper lip and a nose."
...belonging to the same person, presumably. Unless you live in calcutta or some shit.
uldzwtv: the next big tv network for an America weary of non-dipthongs.
5/17/2008 2:23 AM
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