A Brief History of Gen13, Part One

And I am way more excited about that than anyone has a right to be.
And it's not just because I'm a big fan of Gail Simone, either. See, I have what you might call an unhealthy amount of nostalgia for everyone's favorite Gen-Active youngsters. And while it pains me somewhat to admit this, Gen13 was the first series that I ever went back-issue hunting for to put together a run, mostly owing to the fact that it first hit the stands when I was twelve years old, an age at which a young man is scientifically proven to be unable to resist the allure of super-powered teenagers having huge, stupid fights.
It's the principle on which Marvel Comics is entirely based.
Of course, it's entirely possible--heck, let's be honest: it's more than likely--that you don't share my affection for the sensational character finds of 1994, but that doesn't mean you'll be left out of the fun this October.
No, it just means I'm going to update for two days about Fairchild's breasts. Deal with it, homes.

I vividly remember having a conversation in the seventh grade where I told a friend of mine that he had to read this new comic about these teenagers whose genetics gave them superpowers that were hunted by the government and he told me that that sounded exactly like the X-Men. My response, of course, was something along the lines of "No it doesn't! Shut up!"
Of course, these days, I've matured slightly, and I'm finally willing to admit that Tim was right all along: Gen13 is pretty much exactly like the X-Men. But it's the X-Men... For the 90s!
There are, of course, a few differences. Instead of having random genetic mutations, the kids of Gen13 are actually the descendents of the subjects of Gen12, which mostly included the members of Team 7--and that's way more numbers than any secret origin should have in close proximity. All you really need to know is that their parents were given superpowers by the government, so now they have them. Got it? Moving on.
Said superpowers kick in after the kids are pressganged into the covert workings of the unimaginatively-named International Operations under the guise of a suspiciously secretive scholarship program that, for some reason, requires olive green jumpsuits to be worn at all times. Anyway, IO's Torturing-Teenagers-Into-Manifesting-Superpowers Division is headed up by the evil Ivana Baiul and her henchmen, creepy incestuous brother-and-sister super-enforcers Bliss and Threshold, who run a tight ship with their standard issue Evil Psionic Abilities.
Fortunately for Our Heroes, they get a little help from IO Director-Gone-Rogue, John Lynch, and promptly escape to the La Jolla underground. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them... Maybe you can hire... Gen13.
Wait. That's not right at all. Ah, screw it, it's close enough. You get the point. Besides, we've got bigger concerns to worry about. Namely, just who these crazy super-heroes are.

Which was good, because before she got her super-powers, she was a scrawny Computer Science major at Princeton with a pair of glasses that took up roughly a third of her face:

That's right: She was one of those... Hey, Ogre, can you help me out with this one?

Thanks. Let's have a big hand for Donald Gibb, everybody.
Defining Moment: While I'm tempted to say that Caitlin can be summed up completely in this panel where she comes to terms with her nigh-constant sales-increasing near-nudity...

...I simply cannot deny the outright badass appeal of this scene from the awesome and ridiculously over-the-top Gen13 Annual by Warren Ellis and Steve Dillon:


Also, if you take it by percentage of pages, she walks around naked more often than Storm during Chris Calremont's X-Men. Weather powers apparently make you want to not wear clothes.
Defining Moment:

Did I mention she was a lesbian?
Incidentally, J. Scott Campbell's original pencils for that scene had her licking her lips in the last panel. So in case you were wondering, there is in fact a line that Image Comics circa 1994 would not cross.

Defining Moment: Burnout doesn't really have a defining moment, but in the second issue of the ongiong series, he helped defeat a supervillain with some intense rocking out...

...and that'll have to do.

Anyway, he also has a photographic memory, and--despite being referred to quite often as being a moron in need of a shower--managed to score with Freefall, an entire island of sex-crazed ninja amazons, and Swift from the Authority, which never fails to boggle the mind.
Defining Moment: From Adam Warren's totally awesome 3-part story, Grunge: The Movie, I give you the single greatest cover that Image Comics ever published:

Grunge getting punched in the face so hard he sees Lucky Charms while Fairchild and Freefall are in the background, naked, tied up with Hot Wheels tracks. Doubting that cover's awesomeness will only make it stronger. And what's more, the dialogue for the fight scene is made up almost entirely of quotes from poorly subtitled kung fu movies. If you ever get a chance to buy it, do so.

Her Gen-Factor gives her control of gravity, but alas, she's a smoker, and her addiction to cigarettes allows her to be taken over by a midget toymaker in a donkey costume who wants to have sex with her with a robotic exoskeleton in--wait for it--...
The Christmas Issue.
Defining Moment: How about we let Brandon Choi's captions from Gen13 #1 handle this one?

And of course, rounding out the cast we have Lynch, the one-eyed bastard child of Nick Fury and Clint Eastwood, and my personal favorite, Anna the Robot French Maid Assassin.
It might just be the best comic ever.
Find out why it's not! You know the cast, now thrill to their best (and worst) adventures! Plus, shock follows shock as the ISB delves into the Gen13 Lettercolumn! DARE YOU MISS IT?!
From the centerfold of the Gen13 Rave one-shot comes, hands down, the single greatest image you will see today:

Man oh man. Seriously, I've been making fun of things on the internet for like nine years now, and I have no friggin' idea where to even start here. All I know is that I want this thing as a motivational poster for the word "RADNESS."
It's a weird feeling, feeling like I need to get more Gen13 back issues. Mostly I want more of the Adam Warren stuff. I have a handful, along with Magical Drama Queen Roxy, which I need to reread some time soon, but... more Gen13. Yeah. Just feels weird.
8/02/2006 2:52 AM
Ooooh. I have that poster. At one time, it was badical.
And I have a lot of those issues. Nice to know I wasn't the only one thinking '... and Burnout." It was like they just sort of lost interest at him.
Hoorah A Brief History of Gen13!
8/02/2006 4:25 AM
Chris, I think you desperately need to check out the "Thug Connection" jam by Kool G. Rap, Papoose, and AZ. Blistering rap lyrics over a bass heavy version of the A-Team theme.
8/02/2006 5:00 AM
I must thank you for reminding the world of the stellar career of Donald Gibb. Praise be with you.
8/02/2006 5:19 AM
Seriously: Grunge?
They might as well have called it Gen1993. God. That's almost as bad as Skateman.
8/02/2006 8:13 AM
I like Burnout's Soundgardsen T-Shirt.
Also, in the 2006 revamp of Gen13, I hear that Grunge is changing his name to Emo.
8/02/2006 8:30 AM
Chris, you request it, I help make a lame version of that poster for you.
Since I don't know how to post it to the comments or e-mail it to you, I'm going to put a lame cross post to my site:
Please take it and do what you like. It's my gift to you.
8/02/2006 8:41 AM
Thanks to this post, I have a much better understanding of a lot of the supporting cast from the Brubaker/Phillips Sleeper series and the much underrated Micah Ian "I Am Not a Real Ranger" Wright's Stormwatch: Team Achilles.
And, now that I know where some of these guys came from, I kind of wish I didn't.
8/02/2006 10:39 AM
I am quite sure Burnout's haircut in that poster will motivate bald men... to remain bald.
Oh, and please, please, please speak about that issue of Gen 13 where the pages where drawn first without rhyme or reason and then some poor soul had to write a story on top of them.
8/02/2006 11:26 AM
You're going to explore the Gen-13 letter's page? If I remember it correctly, especially in regards to Rainmaker, you are indeed a brave man.
8/02/2006 12:34 PM
When her Gen-Factor power manifested, ... Fairchild got really hot.
But...but so did all the others as well. Well, the girls did - I can't comment about the guys.
You know, that seems to be a common side-effect with gaining superpowers. Instant sex-up.
And why were they called Gen13 (other than being the next ones after Gen12)? Why did Jim Lee or Brandon Choi or whoever choose 13? I always thought it was supposed to be their age. Although they sure look older than 13.
8/02/2006 12:44 PM
And why were they called Gen13 (other than being the next ones after Gen12)? Why did Jim Lee or Brandon Choi or whoever choose 13? I always thought it was supposed to be their age. Although they sure look older than 13.
"Generation 13" was another name for Generation X. A book about generations in America came out in the early 1990s, dubbing GenX as the "thirteenth generation." Since the book sold like mad, and the GenX cohort was hitting prime look-at-me-look-at-me age, the authors followed up with an x-focused book: 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?
Grunge? That's up there with "Night Thrasher." An armored vigilante with a skateboarding motif? Ah, the late eighties. Yeah, that motif aged well. -cough- No wonder he got blow'd up recently.
If Gen13 is a pretty straight X-Men lift, is Runaways a kinda-sorta Gen13 lift? (Sounds like it to me, but I never read either book.)
8/02/2006 1:06 PM
I think the name was originally going to be Gen X, until the X-Men spinoff of the same name (and probably anything with X in the title would have Marvel lawyer problems). Gen 13 was a less-used name for the same generation, at least in a book that came out around that time:
The 13th generation of americans, i think, but Wildstorm probably had some other rationale for the numbering.
btw, i do so love seeing Adam Warren work! am i the only one who thought his take on Gen 13 and Battlechasers was like a million times better than Campbells' or Madureiras', respectively?
8/02/2006 1:07 PM
Swoo is correct. In fact, WildStorm had run a couple of ads with "GenX" as the title of the book before legal minds prevailed. (I think one of the ads appeared in THE COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE.)
I think I'm glad now that I never had a letter published in Gen13. . .
It just never made sense to me, though, that shy nerdy quiet Caitlin would turn into an Amazonian overnight and start strutting her stuff and wearing skimpy attire. You'd think she'd have to grow into that -- that she'd still be shy and quiet, but with the She-Hulk/Wonder Woman body. That would have been far more interesting.
I think Jim Lee went to Princeton, which is also likely why Caitlin did. And the team ended up in La Jolla because, well, that's where WildStorm is based.
8/02/2006 1:11 PM
harvey jerkwater: "is Runaways a kinda-sorta Gen13 lift?"
Sort of, if by "lift" you mean "same underlying concept done a baquintijillion times smarter and better." Runaways is every teen superhero comic book without the really stupid stuff. And with a telepathic dinosaur.
If you're not buying it, then you must be some kind of damn commie or something.
8/02/2006 1:34 PM
I totally missed Gen13 during the original Image explosion, but I read one of the trades a few years back. My local library had a copy in its rather respectably-sized comics section. I also picked up Go Girl! on the same outing. Reading the two back-to-back left me with the distinct impression that Gen13 was little more than wank material for boys too young to legally buy actual smut.
8/02/2006 1:35 PM
I'm sorry, but you will never convince me that this comic is awesome. ...I can't even believe it lasted that long.
8/02/2006 2:41 PM
"Doubting that cover's awesomeness will only make it stronger." Haw! Just like Dana Carvey's George Michael's ass! "Accept it before it destroys you!"
Also, thanks for reminding me about the faddishly-named Grunge. I now have another candidate for my blog's Time-Travel Challenge. (Grunge to Rockabilly, perhaps?)
8/02/2006 3:02 PM
As the unelected representative of Asians everywhere, I'm glad that they chose a non-Asian to depict Grunge in that poster. Saves some Chinese dood the lifelong fear of having it found on the internet by a co-worker and posted one day in the break room.
And I'm with Bill Reed -- this is the first time you've failed to convince me of a comic book's awesomeness.
8/02/2006 3:45 PM
I am so glad I spent my youth searching the quarter bins for All-Star Squadron back issues instead of this crap!
8/02/2006 4:04 PM
Seriosuly, haterzz, I've not read the non-Warren stuff, but the Gen13 that was coming out of WS during the Authority/Planetary era was actually probably the best stuff they were publishing.
Also, as well as being a seriously underrated scriptwriter, Warren is miles better as an artist than Mad!, Campbell and whatnot.
8/02/2006 4:13 PM
8/02/2006 7:48 PM
Funny, this being my first exposure to Gen13 and I note one thing. Maybe I'm just wierd, but Fairchild was hotter before her superpowers kicked in...
8/02/2006 8:45 PM
I have a distinct and vivid memory of seeing Rainmaker's defining moment while browsing a comic rack at a now out-of-business drugstore as a 12 year old.
It was a few years before I started collecting comics but it must have made an impression because whenever I think of Gen13 that page is the first thing I think of. It was great to see it again, for once not in my mind's eye!
8/02/2006 9:44 PM
(Sorry, I put the wrong link in the preceding comment!)
8/02/2006 9:45 PM
Interestingly enough, that issue where Burnout's wearing a Soundgarden t-shirt? He gets called a 'dinosaur' by two skater punks wearing, respectively, a Nirvana shirt and a Green Day shirt.
8/03/2006 12:52 AM
I just laughed at that Grunge cover for about ten minutes straight. AWESOMENESS!
8/04/2006 1:42 AM
This is one of the rudest character of the comic universe, or at least that's what I think. I definitely respect GEN13 more than anyone in the world.
10/08/2010 2:59 PM
Best comic ever has a LGBTXYZ character in it?
Yeah, you're an idiot, please get off my planet.
5/17/2021 2:27 PM
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