Over-The-Top Violence Defined
Not to go all Random Panels on you guys or anything, but while I was taking a few days off last week, I read through Mike Oeming and Travel Foreman's Ares trade paperback
Because there is a scene where Ares asks Hercules to pick him up and throw him at an army of zombie samurai, and then pulls out a pair of automatic pistols and starts shooting them in midair...

...while he is on fire.
Unless you teach Karate to sharks, that is going to be the toughest thing you see all day.
Did he actually set himself on fire to add to the devastating power of the John Woo/Fastball Special? I...I really can't think of any way to make that more awesome! Um...dirtbikes? No... Maybe...maybe if he had an electric guitar in one hand and a flame-retardant American flag in his teeth?
11/13/2006 1:22 AM
That's no good! That's no good at all!
How can he hold the electric guitar without putting a gun down?
11/13/2006 3:06 AM
I'm a bit disappointed that his eyes aren't glowing.
11/13/2006 3:34 AM
Might as well be paying to watch paint dry...unless those zombie samurai were led by a gorilla, whose head had been replaced with Adolph Hitler's.
11/13/2006 8:57 AM
This is wonderfully, poignantly awesome! Poignant because despite all these ass-kicking efforts, he will not prevail - everybody knows that guns don't work against samurai.
11/13/2006 9:23 AM
Actually, when they're in midair and on fire, guns totally work.
Like a frigg'n charm, actually.
11/13/2006 9:02 PM
"...that is going to be the toughest thing you see all day."
I dunno, I saw Jack Palance in SHANE on tv earlier tonight.
11/13/2006 9:04 PM
My favorite part of the Fast Special of the Gods is that it was Plan A.
Ares looked out over the battlefield and THAT'S what jumped into his head.
Cap's really going to have to step up his game if he wants to stay Marvel's master combat tactician.
11/14/2006 10:11 AM
Ares was totally filled with moments of ass that were bad. Completely awesome book.
11/16/2006 2:33 PM
If you want to see kung-fu sharks, I point you to Negima!, chapter 61. (In usual manga fashion, read right-to-left.)
12/03/2006 2:26 PM
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