A Conflict That Dwarfs The Infinite!
Well, it looks like Ragnell's gone and done it now. Yes, not only has everyone's favorite Rayner-ogling feminist alleged that a Jack Kirby creation failed to live up to its intent (the highest blasphemy!), but she has also done the unthinkable.
She has mocked mighty Darkseid.
Nice knowin' you, lady. Not that I bid her any ill will, you understand. It's just that Darkseid will not brook such insolence without reprisal. He will have his revenge. And believe me when I say this: He could strike at any time, at any place...

There should be a sitcom called "IT'S DARKSEID!"
3/08/2006 12:04 AM
Okay, you've demonstrated why Ambush Bug is awesome...
3/08/2006 12:06 AM
Did you see what happened when Young Darkseid applied to the Legion of Super-Heroes?
3/08/2006 12:54 AM
If AMBUSH BUG doesn't feature centrally in DC's new series 52, then, uh, MAKE MINE MARVEL!
3/08/2006 6:13 PM
How do I get one of those flight belts? I mean, besides getting dissed by those nerds from future space, that is.
3/09/2006 1:57 PM
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