The Week In Ink: 5-24-06
Now that we've all head a break to catch our breath after my senses-shattering exposé of deep space trucking action as you like it, it's time to get on with the reviews of my comics purchases for the third week of May, 2006.

52: Week Three: Don't get me wrong: I hate Terra Man with the same kind of firey passion I hold for Man-Bat, but I was really hoping that Black Adam crushing people's skulls and rending them limb-from-limb was the kind of thing we were leaving behind as we left Infinite Crisis. And I say that as someone who loves a good limb-rending. Other than that, and the fact that I'm not sure where the dead body of Lex Luthor came from, the third issue of 52 stayed reasonably enjoyable despite a severe lack of the Question. Still, though, I imagine it's too much to ask for someone in the crowd of reporters to say "Hey wait a second, Lex... If you replace 'alternate dimension' with 'evil clone,' isn't this the exact same excuse you used that time you blew up Metropolis?"

Blue Beetle #3: You know what's pretty high on the list of Bad Signs For Your New Comicâ„¢? Having a fill-in artist on the third issue. Admittedly, Cynthia Martin's pencils compliment Cully Hamner's work on the book pretty well and they're not at all bad, it's just reasonably worrisome, as is the fact that we're three months in and I'm still waiting for this book to hit its stride.

Conan: Book of Thoth #3: I generally read all of my comics wednesday night, but I haven't been getting to Book of Thoth until the next day for the past three months. It's not that I don't like it--it is, in fact, my favorite Kelley Jones work to date--it's just that forty pages of Conan-related sorcery is a lot to get through at two in the morning.
Dardevil #83: It's old news by now that the Ed Brubaker/Michael Lark run on Daredevil has quickly become one of my favorite monthly books, but now that it's got the frigg'n Punisher locked up alongside Matt Murdock, the Kingpin, and Bullseye, it's hardly even a contest anymore. So instead of praising it ad infinitum, I'll just draw your attention to a moment that gave me an unspeakable amount of joy:

What could have possibly have possessed that guy to start running his mouth? Seriously: it's the Punisher. What the hell did that guy think was going to happen? Murdock's blind and he can see where this is headed.

Hawkgirl #52
Iron Man #8
JSA Classified #12: Quick! Turn to page five and try to tell me that Jade doesn't look like Whitney Houston from a few years ago when she was on TV saying she didn't do crack because crack is for poor people. I dare you. Such is the art of Paul Gulacy. Anyway, while I don't actually hold out hope for it ever actually happening, it would be nice if Vandal Savage could think about one of the dozens of times he fought Resurrection Man over the centuries while he was flashing back to his origin. I mean, yeah, it doesn't have a lot to do with One-Eyed Alan Scott or anything, but really. That's the dude's whole deal.
The Last Christmas #1: On the off chance that you've been using the ISB to inform your own purchasing decisions, you might want to go ahead and skip this one. After all, it's a well-known fact that I will buy any Christmas comic that is put in front of me, even in the dead heat of summer. And the fact that this one was co-written by one of my favorite stand-up comedians, Brian Posehn, makes it so minutely targeted towards me that I'm not sure who else would be picking it up. I do, however, feel that it's worth noting that if there's one thing I could possibly like more than a Christmas comic, it's a Christmas comic that advertises genre porn on the back cover. That's awesome.

She-Hulk #8: Yeah, I'm not saying that it's not a bold design that stands out on the shelf or anything, but I've got the sneaking suspicion that the Civil War cover layout is going to get real old, real quick. That said, Dan Slott turns out another highly enjoyable script where he makes a good go at reconciling She-Hulk's behavior in her own book with with her behavior in others, and even goes so far as to have her call Iron Man out on that time he mindwiped the world like I've been wanting someone to. And while I really enjoy the fun feel of Juan Bobillo's art, Paul Smith proves to be a great fit for pencils. Plus, the lettercolun this month is pretty darn funny.

Teen Titans #36: You know what? I think Geoff Johns did a good job with the Doom Patrol in this one. He's obviously going for the sinister, creepy feel of the Grant Morrison run, and sure enough, everything that happens in Dayton Manor, from the Chief berating a tiny Elasti-Girl and telling her that she has to do what he says or nobody will love her, to Beast Boy trying to keep the whole thing from falling apart comes off as genuinely creepy, threatening, and sad, and I ended up liking it a lot.
X-Factor #7
X-Statix #5: You know who I feel bad for? Venus Dee Milo. I mean really, you get to the afterlife and find out your boyfriend's spending eternity pining away for his ex while you don't even get to make an appearance? That's harsh. Fortunately, my sympathy for her plight is mitigated by the fact that this was one highly entertaining miniseries.
The Riverdale Experiment
Archie #566
Cheryl Blossom Triple Pack: And now, an ISB Handy Visual Guide to the phenomenally cheap three-issue mini-series where Cheryl Blossom has to go get a job so she can afford a new car:

Carl Barks' Greatest DuckTales Stories, Volume One: In case you missed it, this thing is a full-size trade for less than eleven bucks that not only has a bunch of Carl Barks stories that aren't currently available in any kind of affordable format, but at least two of them--"Back to the Klondie" and "Hound of the Whiskervilles"--tie in heavily to Don Rosa's amazing Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck. In the biz, we call this sort of thing "a must-have."
Cromartie High School v.6

Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness: Like you really needed me to tell you this. Unlike my usual M.O., I don't plan on sitting here explaining the hell out of why I like this book so much; I'll just say that there are a bunch of strips at the end by guest artists, and since I'm the kind of person who recognized one of my childhood idols, Howard Philips on sight, I'm clearly the kind of person Bryan Lee O'Malley is marketing to.
Scott Pilgrim: Easilly Ten Times Better Than The Best Howard and Nester Strips. And you can take that to the bank, son.
>>Don't get me wrong: I hate Terra Man with the same kind of firey passion I hold for Man-Bat<<
Is Terra Man still a space cowboy? I don't know you at all, but I've been reading your blog for a while, and if anyone had bet me, I would have guessed that you'd like an outer-space cowboy on a flying horse who shot little nuclear bombs at Superman out of a Colt Peacemaker.
5/26/2006 4:46 AM
>>I'm not sure where the dead body of Lex Luthor came from
I took it to be the body of Alexander Luthor after joker gave the once over - but as I type this I realize the body would have been a couple of weeks old by the time it was discovered.
5/26/2006 8:24 AM
"If you can think of any possible reason not to buy this joyous chunk of madness, then I will punch you in your stupid face, stupid."
Okay: I can tolerate Warren Ellis when he's trying to be serious, but not when he's trying to be funny. Now bring it on, tough guy!
"Is Terra Man still a space cowboy?"
Some people call him that. Yeah. Some call him the ganster of... getting dismembered by a C.C. Beck character.
5/26/2006 10:52 AM
That was what I had originally assumed too, Phil, but then I realized that Alexander Luthor a) would have most of his face burned off, b) wasn't bald, and c) wouldn't have identical DNA, since he wasn't another version of Lex Luthor, but rather the child of another version of Lex Luthor.
It's no small stretch to say, "Oh, he's from one of those crazy alternate Earths that were hanging around that one time," but it'd be nice to know.
As for my feelings on Terra Man, I'm not really sure why I don't like him, but brother, I do not. I think it might all boil down to the name.
5/26/2006 2:01 PM
The alternate Luthor thing is Waid, all the way. Not only did he write the issue of Superman where Luthor used the evil clone defense (which I loved because it was half true), he also wrote the Hypertime Flash storyline, where Walter West was like Wally except he had different colored eyes and was a dick.
Maybe Luthor just keeps a bunch of his clones in storage for just such an emergency?
5/26/2006 5:44 PM
Hey, those old Howard and Nester strips WERE pretty good though, eh? Great line!
5/26/2006 7:44 PM
i have to bitch about 52 at this point. yeah, three issues in and its fucked beyond saving in terms of keeping up with its own continuity.
first, right in the first issue- booster has endorsements. lots. okay, so he is fast to get them. but i dont see companies being so eager to meet and hand out money five days after thousands of earths were being smashed overhead by a pair of giant golden hands. AND billboards and soft drink cans and such? that takes more than a week to put up. impossible. sheer impossible. unless 52 happens like a month or two after IC 7 ends.
i was bugged by that one big fuss enough for two issues til this luthor thing. i immediately thought "oh, how cool. those two did up alternate luthor to look like real luthor after they shot him."
indeed, i felt that it gave the shooting scene in IC a bit more of a point, than just random tying up loose ends.
but as pointed out already- the DNA wouldnt match. and yeah, the corpse is a bit old for an alleyway find that fresh. but lets assume they took the body and kept it for a bit before it was done being prepped and dropped off to find.
you fucked up 52. you fucked up because you wont explain this in any reasonable amount of time. i know you wont. if you explain it at all, you will address it way later in the series. i dont want this to come up again in issue 40 or so, but i see you doing it. i also see those final 15 issues being full of OMG WE NEED TO EXPLAIN OUR CONTINUITY ERRORS FROM THE OTHER 40 ISSUES FAST and very little sense.
i dont give up on titles normally. and id like to see what happens in 52. but for gods sake, three issues in and two insanely big goofs? THREE ISSUES OUT OF 52?
what next? issue 12 will have spiderman in it because some moron forgot who they are writing for?
5/26/2006 7:45 PM
Ahh, the soothing sound of a comicfan taking it all a bit too seriously.
5/26/2006 8:48 PM
I like how Kyle referred to 52 as an entity.
5/26/2006 11:20 PM
"you fucked up 52. you fucked up because you wont explain this in any reasonable amount of time. i know you wont. if you explain it at all, you will address it way later in the series."
Hahaha: 'you're in deep shit, 52, and it looks like there's no way out, baby. Man, fuck you, 52 - why don't you go eat a big bowl of cock.'
5/27/2006 11:50 AM
Re: The Battered Spouse Patrol, er, sorry, Doom Patrol, I appreciate most of what Johns is trying to do with it, but the Morrison-model Dickweed Chief is just ruining it for me. The old DP issue where the Chief reveals himself as the architect of the original team's accidents was brilliant, I thought -- one of my favorite individual comics ever. But then the Chief also died at the end of it, and for me it's never worked to have that version of the character both still around and still with the team. I thought it was ridiculous when Rachel Pollack did it and I think it's even moreso now that John has returned to that idea. Especially when Rita tells Robin, "We've forgiven him for [causing our accidents.]" Jeebus. I can understand them forgiving him, hell, more power to 'em, but I don't understand why they're still hanging around the guy and letting him run their lives. That strikes me as rather pathetic. (And did they forgive him for murdering Tempest, too, or did Superboy Prime punch that bit out of continuity?) As things stand now, they're just too depressing for me. I hope Johns is going somewhere with this and has some kind of plan to deal with this darker version of the Chief en route to some kind of redemption for him (giant yellow space tapeworm or whatever). I guess I'll just have to wait and see, huh? I thought the rest of the comic was great, though. (Other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?)
5/27/2006 1:59 PM
As someone who hasn't read a mainstream DC title since PAD's Aquaman or Robinson's Starman, I've been enjoying 52 - having no clue how it does or doesn't fit in with IC or any mega-crossover that came before. Thank God.
X-Statix: Dead Girl is and does exactly what some peopl are claiming ASBAR is and is doing (but isn't).
5/27/2006 8:47 PM
Terra Man is a freaking awesome character - a man kidnapped by aliens in the old west, decked out as a space cowboy, riding a flying horse, and hurling all kinds of weird-ass alien weaponry at Superman is SHEER GENIUS!!!! (The post-Byrne revamp of Terra Man, where he's some kind of eco-warrior businessdude was the opposite of genius, however, and has tainted poor Tobias Manning forever...)
Unfortunately, he needed to be called Space Cowboy or something, anything, other than Terra Man. Showing that Elliot S! Maggin, while a genius with characters and stories, was truly lousy at coming up with names. (You'd think that DC might have had a whole passel of old cowboy names lying around unused to tag him with, but they stuck him with "Terra-Man" instead...)
5/29/2006 2:26 PM
I feel like someone should point out (and it should be me) that whats-his-name, the new guy on Birds of Prey, draws boobs all weird. Especially from the side. Seriously, go check it out. Funky boobs. And that would be a problem on any book, because I enjoy looking at pictures of boobs, but on Birds of Prey? Which is basically only about boobs and awesomeness? It's a wicked problem. So, yeah, dude should go take some remedial boob courses.
5/30/2006 2:37 PM
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