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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Was Ray Thinking?

I picked up the first two Atom Archives, and as those of you who like your reprints in a more bludgeon-like black-and-white format will no doubt discover this June, those stories are nothing but a tiny little man in one crazy situation after another.

Really, it's no wonder that he ended up stomping around a comatose Batman's head and kicking him in the cortex until he decided to get up and go fight some crime, what with all the getting shot out of slingshots, trapped inside light bulbs, and traveling back in time to help Sinbad's grandson beat some guys up. But like a lot of those Silver Age Archives, it tends to raise a lot more questions than it answers.

Specifically, What's Ray Thinking?

I think he's probably dwelling on the fact that this sort of thing tends to happen with alarming regularity...

...while the internet's own Mark Hale stopped by from his home in the year 2000 to show us how edgy Ray Palmer really is:

What do you think, readers?

More Fun With the Atom:

| Crimes of Fashion |
| Silver Age Tech Support: A Sizeable Problem |
| The Crank File: Brave and the Bold #115 |


Blogger Mark W. Hale said...

It's the image dubbed "Too hot for The ISB!"

2/28/2007 12:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God damn Sealy Posturepedic grenade mattresses. Lay down for a second and WHAM! you're locked onto the damn thing."

2/28/2007 12:10 AM

Blogger rob! said...

"Man, I knew Jean was into some kinky sh*t, but...this has gone too far. WHAT THE HELL'S THE SAFEWORD?!?"

2/28/2007 12:18 AM

Blogger Erin Palette said...

Ooh, I made a subtle humor.

2/28/2007 12:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wait, someone rigged a hand grenade with teeny, tiny manacles on the off chance I'd show up?"

2/28/2007 1:12 AM

Blogger nightfly said...

"This s*** never happened to Hank Pym, dammit!"

2/28/2007 1:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is the best idea I've ever had! There's no way at all it could go wrong!"

2/28/2007 4:20 AM

Blogger Marc Burkhardt said...

My contribution can be found at http://fortressofortitude.wordpress.com

Sorry, but my html skills suck.

2/28/2007 5:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"mmmm, my 'i'm so small I can tell i'm giving a backwards hug to a grenade' sense is tingling. It feels good on my gluteus."

2/28/2007 6:52 AM

Blogger Gordon D said...

My small attempt at Silver Age Humor

2/28/2007 6:58 AM

Blogger Siskoid said...


Thanks Chris!

2/28/2007 8:21 AM

Blogger Phil Looney said...

Oops pow SURPRISE!

2/28/2007 9:08 AM

Blogger joncormier said...

And here's mind but my comic genius muscle is a bit atrophied.


2/28/2007 9:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, The Atom learns that just because he stuck something up his butt, it doesn't necessarily shrink down with him.

2/28/2007 10:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In three seconds, I'm going to yell 'BOOM' and scare the crap out of him..."

2/28/2007 10:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ready for more wacky hijinks?

2/28/2007 10:43 AM

Blogger Matthew Brady said...

Here's mine, although I realize now that it doesn't make any sense.

2/28/2007 10:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wait, am I really small or is this grenade really big?

I have GOT to start paying more attenion..."


2/28/2007 1:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meltzer stinks.

2/28/2007 2:24 PM

Blogger Steven Hardina said...

Apologies to GOB.

The Green Arrow team-up no-one demanded!

2/28/2007 3:10 PM

Blogger notintheface said...

"Note to self: Next time you're stomping around Batman's comatose brain, DON'T MAKE HIM DO THE CHICKEN-DANCE!! Boy, that Bruce can sure hold a grudge!"

2/28/2007 6:19 PM

Blogger David C said...

Here's mine:

2/28/2007 10:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it Meltzer, first Identity Crisis, now this...well, at least this means I won't end up in "Justice League of America"...

2/28/2007 11:44 PM

Blogger Winterteeth said...

Here is mine, the cutting edge of 1960s pop culture references.

3/01/2007 12:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble figuring out the links again.






3/01/2007 1:01 AM

Blogger McGone said...

thedeadpenguin gets my vote for the GOB joke. Hilarious!

3/01/2007 1:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Very funny, Batman, "bat-smart bomb". Ha ha. That's the last time I help you out. Not let me offa this thing."

3/01/2007 8:06 AM

Blogger David C said...

"Yeah, right, like I'm gonna get blown up while wearing a $3,000 suit - COME ON!!!!"

3/01/2007 11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/01/2007 1:15 PM

Blogger Bill D. said...

I finally had to cave.

3/01/2007 8:49 PM

Blogger EM said...

Room for one more?

3/01/2007 10:16 PM

Blogger notintheface said...

Dedicated to Neal Bailey at Superman Homepage:

"This is the last time I go to a tractor-milking with Clark!"

3/01/2007 11:03 PM

Blogger Dwayne "the canoe guy" said...

"OMG I'm gonna get blown to atoms..hee hee, atoms. hee hee. I'm the Atom, BWAH-HAH-HAH *SNORT*"

3/03/2007 1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is step two?

3/03/2007 6:41 PM

Blogger Rob Rogers said...

Mine is "Worst. Hiding place. Ever." Thanks, Chris!


3/03/2007 10:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I smell Somethingawful!"

"Oh, I get it, the explosion won't occur unless they split an atom..."

"Hm...maybe if I return to normal size...nah."

3/08/2007 10:53 PM

Anonymous Alexander said...

What namely you're saying is a terrible mistake.

9/16/2011 3:37 PM


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