The Week In Ink: 3-21-07
And we're back.
Yes, my mother's back home and doing very well, so much to the consternation of Princess Zelda (who still hasn't managed to free herself from the evil clutches of the Twilight King), the daily update schedule of the ISB can finally resume. But I'm going to warn you, it's not going to be the same blog you might be used to, because in the four days since her heart attack, I've learned a few things.
1. With over a hundred comments offering sympathy and wishing her a speedy recovery, I've come to the realization that my mom has a HUGE fanbase. Seriously, she could be the most marketable property since Solomon Stone, and I've just been sitting on a goldmine. In the future, ISB readers'll thrill to Mantlo Mondays with Mom, featuring a 56 year-old school-teacher's thoughts on Marvel Two-In-One.
2. In times of crisis and personal trials, I've learned that there is a power greater than myself that I turn to invariably for support when things look darkest.
That power?

The power of a good solid kick to the face.
Okay, so maybe it is going to be the same blog you're used to. And what better way to get back into the groove than with a return to the internet's most mind-bending comics reviews for last week's books? Here's the list:

And now, here's what my stress-addled mind managed to process last Wednesday!

Of course, it's not flawless: The inherent problem of a weekly series that moves in "real time" has reared its ugly head in the sequence where Lex Luthor's finally brought in by the cops in a scene that would seem a lot more compelling if it hadn't taken the cops six weeks to get over there and arrest him. And of course, there's the fact that the Secret Origin of Batman included neither uppercuts and shirtless makeouts nor battery throwing, and I think I'm safe in saying that those are pretty essential elements of his character.

And then I read this thing and remembered how beautifully horrible it is. Expect Annotations for this issue--which features Anita dressed like a mentally-challenged 3rd-grader for about twenty pages--later this week.

Of course, when Supergirl shows up with her hair in pigtails in a fluffy-skirted Lolita costume, it gets totally over the top, but again, I'm way more inclined to view that as a parody of her constant oversexualization in Joe Kelly and Jeph Loeb's scripts than an actual continuation, and while it could be a textbook example of a biased reader giving Mark Waid and George Perez the benefit of the doubt when Joe Kelly and Ian Churchill get nothing but carefully measured-out scorn, it just feels more like a fun, goofy lark in this one. Plus, it's got the first appearance in years of the mind-blowingly awesome Planetary Chance Machine and a cover that was pretty much designed to thrill Ragnell, so there's something for everyone. It's great.

As for this one, well, John's in a heap of trouble because of some ne'er-do-well at the beginning, but by the time twenty-two pages have gone by, you realize that he's been four steps ahead of the villains and the reader all this way, and somebody meets the horrible fate that they so desperately deserve. It's as typical a Hellblazer story as you're likely to find, but like Mike Carey's one-issue fill-in last month, that's not a bad thing. It's a formula that showcases everything you like about the character, and considering that it's being billed as "To Be Concluded" next issue, it has the potential to work as a great foundation for events to come. When it comes right down to it, there are a lot of worse ways to kick off a run than this one, and it makes for a highly enjoyable done-in-one story for new readers to try out, so if you haven't, consider it recommended.

The Spirit #4: Darwyn Cooke's The Spirit is rapidly becoming one of those books that I know I'm going to have trouble talking about every time it comes out, because there's only so many ways to say it's awesome. Each issue so far has been amazingly well-written with fast-paced single-issue stories that are just beautiful to look at, thanks to Cooke, J. Bone, and colorist Dave Stewart, and each one seems better than the last. Even the Will Eisner-style splash pages are amazing every month, with this one standing out in my mind as one of the best examples of the trick I've ever seen.
But there's something beyond those elements that struck me with this one. At the risk of spoiling it, it's a moment that comes from the final panels of this issue, where Silk Satin quite literally claws her way back from the brink of death and talks about being tough enough to live and fight another day, and while it was certainly unique to the situation I was in when I read it, it was the perfect moment for me to see last week. It's a reminder of how good comics--and how good stories in any medium, really--can touch people in ways that even the creators might not expect, and if that's not worth being the Best of the Week, then I don't know what is.
If you're not reading it, you should be.

It could be the fact that it's a MAX book, and the tradeoff of a $3.99 cover price so that I can see Pete drop the occasional F-Bomb doesn't quite seem square or the fact that John the Skrull often seems like an idea that's a little too clever for its own good, but I really don't know. What I do know, however, is that this particular issue, with references to Edgar Allen Poe and Alan Moore thrown around and a great little set of action sequences and Lovecraftian psychic warfare, is the best one yet for the series, and gives me hope that within the next few months, it's finally going to hit its stride and make it all worth it. Check it out, maybe it's just me.

Of course, Adam Warren's Phone Book would probably still involve sexy girls and explosion-prone robots made of nanotechnology, so there's a pretty good reason why I'd do that. I say this only so that you all know where I'm coming from when I say that Empowered is probably the most purely entertaining graphic novel I've read all year.
The whole thing's essentially Warren's 248-page treatise on bondage fetishism starring a heroine who is more prone to being captured and tied up than any character in comic book history. That's right, Golden Age Wonder Woman: You may finally lay down your burden. It starts off with Warren's customary zippiness, with Empowered--the character's name, an irony which she herself is well acquainted with--with short, slam-bang-punchline stories that clock in at a quick four or five pages before moving on to the next bit, and there's a lot for Warren's fans to enjoy here. It feels like it has its roots in his work on Gen13 and the elements he played around with there, like Fairchild's propensity for having her costume shredded and Freefall's body issues, but by the time you hit the "real-life" origin of the character, you'll realize that there's a lot more here than just leftover plotlines where hot girls get tied up in varying states of undress.
Not that there's not a lot of that, too, because brother, there's a lot of hot girls getting tied up in varying states of undress here. I mean, really, it's pretty much the most "Mature Readers" thing he's done since he dropped the cover to Milk #2, but just like his work with the Dirty Pair, it's the kind of story that--even amidst wildly over-the-top sex scenes, explosions, and ninjas--manages to transcend itself and find a solid heart to it.
Plus there's a character called Rum, Sodomy & The Lash

And yet, it doesn't. He's Hawkman, and the one thing he does--you know, the flying--is something that everybody can do. But I'm getting all the Showcases, so I ordered this one, thinking I'd put it on the shelf and get around to leafing thorugh it whenever Silver Age Aquaman stories stopped being funny enough to post about here on the ISB.
And then Kevin goes and posts a panel where Hawkman talks about how Thanagarian science never got around to inventing the sandwich, and I'm forced to re-examine all of my paradigms.
And that's the reviews! As always, any questions on something I read or didn't read, or questions for my mother's upcoming advice column can be left in the comments section below. Feel free to drop a line!
Welcome back. My boring day stopped being boring!
3/26/2007 3:12 AM
Make Mine Mom and Mantlo!
And Empowered is...jawdropping fun. Ludicrous and sexy and dark and self-aware and hilarious all at the same time. It's like the Anti-Tarot. That phone book concept sounds like fun, though.
3/26/2007 3:36 AM
In the future, ISB readers'll thrill to Mantlo Mondays with Mom,
If she starts with Rocket Raccoon then I would be all up on this...
3/26/2007 4:14 AM
Glad to hear your mom is doing okay.
3/26/2007 7:43 AM
Things to like about Hawkman:
Joe Kubert
There's no way his helmet's eyes line up with his real eyes.
3/26/2007 11:58 AM
Glad to have you back and ecstatic to hear that your mom is doing well. Congratulations!
3/26/2007 12:33 PM
Welcome Back, and thank god your mom is made out of pure grit.
(I'm actually curious to hear what you thought about the new issue of Aquaman and JSA, which I see weren't on your shopping list but that you might have read in the store.)
3/26/2007 2:14 PM
a) I am totally glad to hear your mom is doing okay. I am curious as to what her feelings on ROM might be.
b) I may have mentioned this before, but I am now completely convinced that you are the best comics reviewer on internet, less because of how crisp and funny your writing is, and more because I swear you're the only one who has the correct opinion* over 90% of the time.
So carry on, my wayward son.
*i.e., my opinion.
3/26/2007 3:48 PM
In the future, ISB readers'll thrill to Mantlo Mondays with Mom,
There is a "Your Mom" joke in there BEGGING for release. I'm going to suppress the urge out of consideration for what you've no doubt been through, and just say that I'm glad to hear your mother's doing better and I'm looking forward to reading Mrs. Sims saying, "Because Bill Mantlo, that's why."
I'm also the exact opposite from you because I LOVE Hawkman and Hawkgirl and there is absolutely no rational reason why. OK, there's a rational reason for why I love Hawkgirl, but we're not going to get into that now. I spent far too much money getting the Hawkman/Hawkgirl DC Direct 2-pack a while ago and I skipped the Showcase volume because I already own the 2 Hawkman DC Archive volumes. After reading both, I still can't figure out why Hawkman has such a hold when, say, X-Men's Angel doesn't, but there's a pretty funny page in Vol. 1 where they marvel at Thanagar's technical advances over the Earth because of things we recognize now as Roombas, credit cards, and microwave ovens. It's a frighteningly prescient comic book page.
3/26/2007 4:38 PM
A question about "Detective Comics": Am I the only one who thinks the villain's mask looks rather like a smiley face?
3/26/2007 5:04 PM
Totally with you about B&B, Waid, and Supergirl-- it all seemed like very good fun, and I liked Hal more than I have in a long time and this Supergirl more than I *ever* have before.
3/26/2007 10:52 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence! But I have to say that David Hahn did far more than aquit himself on Spidey+MJ -- he was terrific! His work is like a spa treatment for my eyeballs. Mmmmm...
And let me add my voice to the chorus of well-wishers for you and your mom.
3/27/2007 12:33 AM
Is Hal trying to look at his own butt? His neck seems to be broken.
3/27/2007 5:04 AM
I keep avoiding The Spirit despite my love for Cooke...
An auteur working with another auteur's toys is usually a recipe for disaster.
I should have known better.
3/27/2007 3:04 PM
Wait, ONE character named Rum, Sodomy and the Lash? Not a 3-person super-team?
3/28/2007 3:53 AM
J'ai beaucoup aimé votre blog et j'ai hâte d'en lire d'autres. Génial.
1/17/2025 5:58 AM
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