What's Batman Writing?
I'm late to the party on this one, but a few days ago, Brandon of Random Panels posted a picture of Batman recapturing the lost art of letter-writing and sent out the call to the Memeosphere to contribute.
But really, when springtime rolls around and a young man breaks into a sweat and considers a loaded gun as his only alternative...

...can it be anything but love?
Let's talk about love.
4/05/2007 2:14 AM
Personally, I'm tossing a vote in for secret shame or massive insecurities...
4/05/2007 3:01 AM
My Goodness! I used to think that it was just Superman who started blubbering at the drop of a hat, but I guess hanging out with him, has rubbed off on Batman as well.
Poor baby. His Parents are dead, you know.
4/05/2007 9:49 AM
Dear Robin,
An alien symbiote has taken up residence on my eyebrow and is forcing me to write this Dear John letter...
4/05/2007 12:01 PM
Dear Diary -
Green Arrow wants to pull the "arrow shoots water" gag on the Bat, huh? Outdraw THIS, ya Ren Faire reject.
Word verification - "dqrgpq" - the noise Oliver McQueen makes in the next panel
4/05/2007 12:44 PM
Clearly, Batman doesn't play by the rules.
4/05/2007 5:29 PM
Dear Cruel World,
I swear to god, I thought buying up all the 'Death of Captain America' issues on eBay was a sound investment.
I would never have touched the Waynecorps pension fund if I wasn't sure of doubling my money.
I suck.
4/05/2007 6:49 PM
These are not, I repeat NOT kryptonite tipped bullets. Use them to impress Lois with the ole "bullet proof forehead" gag.
4/05/2007 10:06 PM
4/06/2007 3:48 AM
"Eel: Return the batmobile in the next thirty minutes and all will be forgiven. If not...
Signed, Batman"
Word Verification: aaxnc, the sound Plastic Man makes as he chokes on a corn chip while reading Batman's letter.
4/06/2007 4:27 PM
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5/04/2024 6:33 AM
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5/04/2024 6:35 AM
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5/04/2024 6:36 AM
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5/04/2024 6:36 AM
You have a very good gloss. Thank you!
5/04/2024 6:37 AM
Thanks for sharing this information.
5/04/2024 6:37 AM
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